Looking for a party? According to Sunset magazine, Brea is one of the five best suburbs in the Western United States.
Brea is a medium-sized suburb of Orange County, with a population of about 40,000 people
Looking for a party? According to Sunset magazine, Brea is one of the five best suburbs in the Western United States.
Brea is a medium-sized suburb of Orange County, with a population of about 40,000 people
Looking for a party? According to Sunset magazine, Brea is one of the five best suburbs in the Western United States.
Brea is a medium-sized suburb of Orange County, with a population of about 40,000 people. What was once known as an important oil-production center is now better known for its terrific shopping opportunities and inspirational public art program. So if you like to shop, admire art, visit quaint farmer's markets, watch live comedy, and generally have fun (and who doesn't?), Brea is worth checking out. Though its real estate market is rather pricy, you are sure to find some rental properties that won't bust your budget. Brea is just minutes from Disneyland, California Adventure, the well-known Brea Mall, and several colleges. So whether you're a Disney fan, student, or someone just looking to relocate to an L.A. suburb, the rental properties in this city are worth checking out.
Having trouble with Craigslist Brea? Can't find that special apartment for rent on Apartment Finder or Zillow? Apartment List is here to help!
About one third of the homes in Brea are renter-occupied, and most homes are between 25 and 60 years old on average, with two to three bedrooms. The vacancy rate for the homes here is about 4 percent, so lazy looking won't yield much.
How Much to Budget
According to Sperling's Best Places, the cost of living in this city is a whopping 160, so budget accordingly when you begin your search for a rental property. Most one-bedroom apartments and 2 bedroom apartments start higher than the norm; maybe it's time to hunt for a roommate too.
When to Rent
There are several colleges in and around Brea, so search for rentals before all the students start doing the same. Here, the early bird gets the apartment. Start your apartment hunt sometime during winter or early spring. Since the vacancy rate is pretty low, count on needing at least two months to search.
What You Need
Since the rental industry here is fairly competitive, get all your ducks in a row before you head to the rental office. For best results, show up with at least one month's worth of paystubs to prove your income. Plus, be prepared to have your credit checked and references called before you get a place. Beat all those other apartment hunters to the finish by having a listing of your rental history and a deposit for the apartment on hand.
If youre looking for elegance and comfort, you won't have a problem finding it here. And if you're like the rest of us just looking for a decent place to stay in a fairly safe area, Brea can meet your needs. Here's an overview of the main neighborhoods in this city:
Olinda Ranch: This is known as one of the more expensive neighborhoods in Brea. The rent here is about 1.5 times more than the city's average. You'll find horse property, condos and parks in this neighborhood. Break out the piggy bank.
Brea Chem: This is an urban neighborhood with mostly houses and some high-rise apartments. Compared to most of Brea and SoCal in general, this area is pretty walkable, which fits with its hip reputation. Oh yeah, and its vacancy rate is practically zero, so you'd better start searching for rentals fast.
Country Hills: This area is within a short distance of Brea Mall, CSU Fullerton, and various golf courses, to name a few attractions. It is also near major freeways that include Highway 57 and I-5. Its close proximity to both the Brea Chem and Olinda Hills neighborhoods means these areas share some amenities.
Park Paseo: Most of the rentals in this area are on the small side, with one bedroom on average. The high rises and houses here tend to be about 40 years old, so this isn't exactly a new neighborhood. But like some of the other urban areas in Brea, it is possible to get around on foot, as long as you don't need to go far.
West Brea: The rental prices in West Brea tend to be affordable, and there are lots of high rise apartments and rental homes to choose from in this urban area. This is another walkable, trendy neighborhood with a mix of owners and renters living here.
Downtown Brea: This is one of the least-expensive parts of Brea, and the lower rent prices show it. And there's more good news if you're considering this neighborhood: Brea Mall is located downtown! In fact, this is pretty much the centerpiece of the area since it has more than a million square feet and is a premier mall in SoCal.
As in many Southern California cities, you need a car to live in Brea, especially if you don't live within walking distance of your job. There's some public transportation, mostly consisting of buses, but it could take days (okay, hours) to get to nearby cities by bus.
If you live and work in downtown Brea, you might just make it without a car. If you're lucky enough to live close to Brea Mall, you can easily walk to local parks, the library, and of course, lots of stores.
Many of the locals spend their days working, but they certainly make time to have fun on the weekends. When you live in Brea, it's a short drive to world-class shopping areas, famous theme parks, downtown Los Angeles, and the beach. So quit procrastinating; it's time to check out the rentals in this city!
Searching for an apartment for rent in Brea, CA? Look no further! Apartment List will help you find a perfect apartment near you. There are 23 available rental units listed on Apartment List in Brea. Click on listings to see photos, floorplans, amenities, prices and availability, and much more!
The average rent in Brea is $2,145 for a studio, $2,588 for a one-bedroom apartment, and $2,998 for a two-bedroom apartment. If you are looking for a deal, keep an eye out for a red pulsing icon that indicates rent specials.
Tired of browsing? Take our personalized quiz. You’ll answer a couple of simple questions and we’ll put together a list of Brea apartments that are best for you. We’ll also factor in your commute, budget, and preferred amenities. Looking for a pet-friendly rental, or an apartment with in-unit washer and dryer? No problem, we’ll provide you with apartments that match that criteria.
You can trust Apartment List to help you find your next Brea, CA apartment rental! After all, everyone deserves a home they love.
Welcome to the Apartment List February 2025 Rent Report for Brea, CA. Currently, the overall median rent in the city stands at $2,502, after rising 0.9% last month. Prices and are now up 1.2% year-over-year. Read on to learn more about what’s been happening in the Brea rental market and how it compares to trends throughout the broader Los Angeles metro area and the nation as a whole.
The median rent in Brea rose by 0.9% over the course of January, and has now increased by a total of 1.2% over the past 12 months. Brea’s rent growth over the past year has is similar to the state average (1.2%) and has outpaced the national average (-0.5%).
If we expand our view to the wider Los Angeles metro area, the median rent is $2,171 meaning that the median price in Brea ($2,502) is 15.2% greater than the price across the metro as a whole. Metro-wide annual rent growth stands at 0.1%, below the rate of rent growth within just the city.
The table below shows the latest rent stats for 25 cities in the Los Angeles metro area that are included in our database. Among them, Calabasas is currently the most expensive, with a median rent of $3,387. Long Beach is the metro’s most affordable city, with a median rent of $1,732. The metro's fastest annual rent growth is occurring in Calabasas (4.1%) while the slowest is in Laguna Niguel (-1.6%).
You can also use the map below to explore the latest rent trends in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
Apartment List is committed to the accuracy and transparency of our rent estimates. We begin with reliable median rent statistics from the Census Bureau, then extrapolate them forward to the current month using a growth rate calculated from our listing data. In doing so, we use a same-unit analysis similar to Case-Shiller’s approach, capturing apartment transactions over time to provide an accurate picture of rent growth in cities across the country. Our approach corrects for the sample bias inherent in other private sources, producing results that are much closer to statistics published by the Census Bureau and HUD. For more details, please see the Apartment List Rent Estimate Methodology.
Apartment List publishes monthly rent reports and underlying data for hundreds of cities across the nation, as well as data aggregated for counties, metros, and states. These data are intended to be a source of reliable information that help renters and policymakers make sound decisions. Insights from our data are covered regularly by journalists across the country. To access the data yourself, please visit our Data Downloads Page.
Welcome to the Apartment List February 2025 Rent Report for Brea, CA. Currently, the overall median rent in the city stands at $2,502, after rising 0.9% last month. Prices and are now up 1.2% year-over-year. Read on to learn more about what’s been happening in the Brea rental market and how it compares to trends throughout the broader Los Angeles metro area and the nation as a whole.
Looking for a party? According to Sunset magazine, Brea is one of the five best suburbs in the Western United States.
Brea is a medium-sized suburb of Orange County, with a population of about 40,000 people
View Brea City Guide