Data & Rent Estimates

Curious about the apartment rental market in your city? Read about and download the latest rental data in your area.

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Updated October 1, 2024

The Apartment List Research Team aims to make accurate, timely, and transparent housing market data available to the general public. On this page you will find our current data offerings, updated monthly.

Note: In August 2023, we updated the methodology for our vacancy index. If you are working with data dowloaded prior to that date, please use the current series (available below) to access the most recent revisions. The methodology for our rent estimates was not changed.

Available Data Products

Several data products are available using the Download Report drop-down menu below.

  1. Apartment List Rent Estimates: monthly estimates of the median rent paid for new leases in a given market. These rent estimates are available at the national, state, metro, county, and city levels back to January 2017. We also provide a summary file which contains the current rent levels as well as month-over-month and year-over-year growth rates for all locations in our sample.
  2. Apartment List Rent Growth Rates: derived from our rent estimates, these files contain monthly and annual rent growth rates over time, again at the national, state, metro, county, and city levels.
  3. Apartment List Vacancy Index: monthly estimates of the apartment vacancy rate in a given market. As with the rent estimates above, our vacancy index is available at the national, state, metro, county, and city levels back to January 2017.

Our data products are updated monthly and include hundreds of locations across the country. The locations that appear in each dataset meet various eligibility criteria and sample size requirements. As our platform grows, so too will the number of locations for which we can publish data.


  1. The Apartment List Rent Estimates are tabulated using fully-representative median rent statistics for recent movers taken from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, extrapolated forward to the current month using a growth rate calculated from real-time lease transactions that take place on our platform. We use a same-unit, repeat-transaction analysis similar to Case-Shiller’s approach, comparing only units that are available across both time periods to provide an accurate picture of rent growth. Our approach also corrects for the sample bias inherent in private listing sources to produce results that are representative of the entire rental market. For a more thorough explanation, please see our complete Rent Estimate Methodology.
  2. The Apartment List Vacancy Index is calculated as the ratio of vacant units to total units among properties that list on our platform. It should be noted that our platform does not provide a fully-representative sample of all apartments in a market, as professionally-managed properties are more likely to participate in marketplaces like Apartment List. For a more thorough explanation, please see our complete Vacancy Index Methodology.

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Meet our Researchers

Igor Popov
Igor is the Chief Economist at Apartment List, where he leads the research team in publishing original housing market research. Igor teaches an undergraduate seminar titled "Housing, Neighborhoods, and Homelessness" at Stanford University, and his research has been published in the American Economic Review. Read More
Chris Salviati
Chris is a senior housing economist at Apartment List, where he conducts research on economic trends in the housing market. Chris previously worked as a research assistant at the Federal Reserve and an economic consultant, and he has BA and MA degrees in economics from Boston University. Read More
Rob Warnock
Rob is a senior research associate at Apartment List, where he examines trends in the housing and rental markets. Previously he worked in public health policy, and before that, graduated from UCLA with a degree in Globalization. Read More
Lilla Szini
Lilla is a research analyst at Apartment List, where she assists in researching housing trends in the rental market. She graduated from UIUC with a BS in economics and physics, then from USFCA with a MS in applied economics. Read More
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