If you are trying to decrease your carbon footprint, East Riverdale, Maryland might be the place for you. The percentage of residents in East Riverdale who carpool to and from work is a whopping 835% higher than the state average!
East Riverdale can be considered a large town or a small city, depending on how you look at it. This small city is only about seven miles outside of Washington D.C., making it a very desirable place for commuters to live.
Finding an Apartment in East Riverdale
About 38% of the population in East Riverdale is made up of renters. East Riverdale is booming with condos and townhouses, even more so than with any other type of residential rental property. That's not to say you won't find a traditional apartment building here, but expect to see more condos and townhouses.
How much will it cost?
You should know right off the bat that renting an apartment in East Riverdale is not going to be cheap. Although the cost of rent here is about 8% lower than the state average, it is still almost 40% higher than the national average.
Possible Complications
About 6% of the apts for rent in this city are vacant. While that is higher than the state and national averages, if you find an apartment that you like, you are smart to apply for it right away.
When should you start looking?
With its close proximity to Washington D.C., many people live here and commute to the D.C. area for work. For this reason, you should not let grass grow under your feet when looking for a rental apt. If you fall in love with one, you'd better apply fast, before other people try to snag it out from under you.
What do you need?
You won't need anything out of the ordinary to rent an apartment here. A prospective landlord will want to see all the usual documents: proof of income, rental history, credit report and possibly a criminal background check.
Neighborhoods in East Riverdale
East Riverdale is made up of a number of condominium communities and homeowners' associations. This unincorporated town is considered more of a suburb of Washington D.C. or an extension of its neighbor, Riverdale Park, so there aren't any distinct neighborhoods here.
Life in East Riverdale
How do residents get around?
The good news is that, if you do not drive, you don't really need to in East Riverdale. As incredible as it may sound, the percentage of residents who use public transportation for their daily commute is about 210% higher than the national average and an astronomical 835% higher than the state average, as mentioned earlier.
East Riverdale has it all. Great shopping, restaurants and access to anything else you may like to do for fun. Because it is so close to Washington D.C., you can play weekend-tourist or stick to hang-outs frequented by locals, such as Zaytinya or Ben's Chili Bowl.