Point Pleasant was a television show created by Fox television about supernatural happenings in the New Jersey seaside town, Point Pleasant. Unfortunately, the show only ran from January 2005 until March 2005.
You've probably seen that television show _The Jersey Shore? _Well, if you want to find out what the Jersey shore is actually like, visit Point Pleasant, one of the nicest spots on New Jersey's Atlantic Coast
Point Pleasant was a television show created by Fox television about supernatural happenings in the New Jersey seaside town, Point Pleasant. Unfortunately, the show only ran from January 2005 until March 2005.
You've probably seen that television show _The Jersey Shore? _Well, if you want to find out what the Jersey shore is actually like, visit Point Pleasant, one of the nicest spots on New Jersey's Atlantic Coast. Point Pleasant has a long history; it was a Native American meeting place around 1500. Today, it's a bustling summer resort for people in the area looking to get out of their towns and cities, and it's also a year-round community of about 19,000 who take pride in their community, their beaches, and their neighborhoods.
Moving to Point Pleasant
Point Pleasant is thought of as a beach town, and, as such, the town is flooded with people during the warm summer months. So, if you're thinking of moving to town, it's smart to conduct your search in the winter. The weather might be cold, but the availability and convenience will be worth it. Want to know more about Point Pleasant neighborhoods? Check out the list below. It contains helpful information to help you figure out where the right spot is for youÑno matter whether you're looking for a 1 bedroom apartment, 2 bedroom apartments, or even apartments with paid utilities.
The Neighborhoods
Coastal Point Pleasant: If you want the biggest mansions and the nicest beach homes, then check out the coastal side of Point Pleasant, or Point Pleasant Beach. Not only is this the most sought after real estate in the area, it's also the place where you can access the best amenities -- like restaurants, nice beaches and the boardwalk. Want to find serviced apartments or house rentals in Point Pleasant? This might be the best place to do it because it draws mostly seasonal residents.
Inland Point Pleasant: The side of Point Pleasant away from the coast is the place to look if you want a more quiet, settled down neighborhood. Homes here are a bit more affordable, since it's not the heart of the tourist action. But you can still get waterfront property! Expect a quiet, suburban, safe neighborhood with easy walking or driving access to all of the best beach town amenities you could imagine.
Living in Point Pleasant
If you're a beach lover, living in Point Pleasant can be a dream. It's one of the nicest beaches on all of the Jersey shore - which is one of the reasons that it draws so many tourists summer after summer. If you don't mind your town being flooded with visitors for 3 months a year, then this is definitely a good place to call home.
People here enjoy lying on the beach and swimming in the summers when the weather is warm. Point Pleasant Beach is home to the legendary Jenkinson's Boardwalk. The boardwalk provides endless entertainment for people who like to eat, drink, visit attractions and people watch.
If you want to get out of town, Point Pleasant also provides easy access to transportation. Just hop aboard a bus to Philadelphia. The New Jersey transit provides a bus on the 317 Route that goes right there. If you have a car, you also have easy access to Route 13, which makes it easy to get around the shore area.