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"But there has to be more than just proximity to a major city and good access to make families want to move to a community. A city must also be a memorable hometown to both longtime residents and newcomers. Grove City rises to the challenge." (-Best Hometowns 2013, Ohio Magazine)
Located just a hop, skip, and jump away from the bustling metropolis of Columbus, Grove City does the bedroom community thing really well. You get the benefits you expect from being close to a midwestern metropolis, along with a nice dollop of old-time charm. Compared to the nearby areas, Grove City is lower cost, seems to breed hotel rooms, and is pretty darn Mayberry-ish (look it up, young 'uns). View Grove City Guide
Apartment complexes with a gym offer a valuable amenity to Grove City renters looking to get fit and slash their gym membership. However, not all gyms are the same.
Make a list of your must-haves in a gym setting. Ask about the variety and age of any cardio machines. Also ask about any weight training equipment and free weights.
Consider the spaciousness of the workout area. Some apartment gyms are small. Those can create tension with tenants looking to squeeze in a workout before or after work.
If you enjoy circuit training, make sure there’s enough space to spread out and get in the workout you want.
Cleanliness is also crucial to an apartment gym experience. During your apartment tour, carefully inspect the fitness area to check for cleanliness and any extra perks. Also consider the potential savings if you can cancel a gym membership!
Towels, an attendant, flat-screen TVs, and a locked door for exclusive tenants access can all add value to your apartment gym experience.