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Did you know Oak Hills Place has been ranked as one of the top places to live not only in Louisiana, but in the whole U.S. as well? With its great neighborhoods, local amenities and more, you wouldn't be able to say otherwise. But what makes this place such a great place to live in? Let's find out why.
Oak Hills Place is located in East Baton Rouge Parish. It's a pretty tiny place, with a population of more than 8,000 people and has a total land area of 3.16 square miles. It has a slightly high population density of over 2,500 people per square mile. It may be a little difficult to find apartments because of how many people want to live in this small space, especially considering that this city is one of the most desirable places to live in! Oak Hills Place has an average daily summer temperature of 96?F with more than 280 sunny days, which are 80 days more than the national average. During the cold season, it has an average daily temperature of 36?F. It only gets about nine inches of snowfall, while the national average has 25 inches per year. Better prepare those sunglasses and summer clothes for those hot days! View Oak Hills Place City Guide