cheap apartments

Deer Park, TX
0 Cheap Apartments for Rent

Prices shown are base rent prices and may not include non-optional fees and utilities.
Finding cheap apartments in Deer Park takes some ingenuity and effort, as well as quick action. Before you head out on your search, bring along pay stubs, bank statements, lett... Read Guide >
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How much is rent in Deer Park?

Cheap apartments in Deer Park start at per month.
City Guide for Deer Park, TX

April 21, 1836 was a big day for the State of Texas. It was the day that the famous General Sam Houston led the Texan Army to victory at the Battle of San Jacinto, just down the road from Deer Park. The Texans won their independence from Mexico that day, and the cabin where the treaty was signed was located in Deer Park. Today, the city still proudly lays claim to its role in the creation of an independent Texas, and the saying still holds, "Don't Mess With Texas!"

Deer Park was named by the first settlers for the once plentiful deer that roamed the plains of the Gulf in this area. The deer are mostly gone now, but even though there are more than 30,000 human residents, Human Park just doesn't have as nice a ring to it. The city lies in the southeast portion of Texas, less than a half hour from the giant metropolis of Houston. If you'll be commuting to Houston, Deer Park is right on Texas Route 225, bringing you easily to the Interstate 610 loop around the city. See more

What to keep in mind when looking for cheap apartments in Deer Park, TX

Finding cheap apartments in Deer Park takes some ingenuity and effort, as well as quick action. Before you head out on your search, bring along pay stubs, bank statements, letters of recommendations from landlords or employers, and identification. The more proactive you are about your search, the easier it will be to score a deal.

Look for cheap apartments in Deer Park by regularly scouring listings and looking during slower renting seasons, like winter. You can still find a deal if you move during the summer months when apartment hunting is more competitive.

You may be able to find cheap apartments in Deer Park in neighborhoods that are located away from attractions, restaurants, and entertainment. You may need to look farther out than you would prefer, but access to highways or public transportation can get you into the heart of Deer Park.

The building you choose can also make a difference in finding a cheap apartment in Deer Park. Older buildings that need some updating are more likely to have better deals. Walk-up apartments without elevators, on-street parking and few amenities like on-site fitness centers can also signal affordable rents in Deer Park.