furnished apartments

East Point, GA 179 Furnished Apartments for Rent

Prices shown are base rent prices and may not include non-optional fees and utilities.
Furnished apartments in East Point can save you a ton of time, money and stress. Finding a furnished apartment requires some research to find the right situation for you. Some... Read Guide >
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is rent for a furnished apartment in East Point?

Rental prices for furnished apartments in East Point range from $800 to $5,200 per month.

How many furnished apartments are available for rent in East Point?

Currently, there are 10 furnished apartments available for rent in East Point.

How can I find a cheap apartment in East Point?

You can find the lowest-priced apartments in East Point by using the cheap apartments filter or you can search by apartments that are offering move-in specials.
City Guide for East Point, GA

Looking for an East Point apartment? Well, you've landed in the perfect place for apartment hunting in this big, little city south of Atlanta. We'll guide you through the East Point rental market, as well as let you in on some insider's tips for renting and living in this up-and-coming city. Having trouble with Craigslist East Point? Can't find that special apartment for rent on Apartment Finder or Zillow? Apartment List is here to help!

Located less than 10 miles from Atlanta, and a painful 30-minute drive during rush hour, East Point is a beautifully underrated hometown to some 33,000+ residents who are actively restoring their once-blighted city. Thanks to new developments, such as the Camp Creek Marketplace, as well as a strong community vibe, East Point is becoming a more desirable place to live everyday. And, fortunately, the rental market is huge, with apartments as cheap as $400 and as expensive as a grand (plus) per month.

Amenities vary greatly from place to place. There are luxury complexes with long lists of features, such as 24-hour maintenance service, security, clubhouses, cyber cafes, garages, swimming pools, hot tubs, and fitness centers. And, at the other end of the spectrum, you can get a very inexpensive apartment with the bare minimum of amenities, such as a parking spot and maybe a patch of grass. In this city, you get what you pay for.

Pet-friendly apartments are available all over town, with some that even allow multiple pets. However, you will run into quite a few complexes that don't allow pets at all. Just be sure to check with the apartment owner’s pet policies before falling in love with a new place too soon.

As far as the transportation considerations go, East Point has a great public transportation system for a city of its size. MARTA has a nice stop in downtown with plenty of cops keeping an eye on things. There is also a decent amount of bus routes throughout the city. For those driving into Atlanta for work everyday, keep in mind that the average commuter takes more than 30 minutes to travel from East Point to Atlanta during rush hour.

That's about all you need to know, so get up and go find yourself a happening pad in East Point. Good luck and happy hunting out there!

-By Katy Comal View East Point City Guide

What to keep in mind when looking for furnished apartments in East Point, GA

Furnished apartments in East Point can save you a ton of time, money and stress. Finding a furnished apartment requires some research to find the right situation for you. Some furnished spaces are short-term rentals designed for corporate stays. This could be ideal if you’re looking for some flexibility while you look around for a more permanent space and save up for furniture.

You can also look for furnished apartments in East Point as a subletter. Someone who is relocating or traveling for a short time or needs a new roommate may already have a furnished apartment ready to go.

Ask questions about the furniture before you move in. Who is responsible for repairs to the furniture? Will you have access to the furniture for the duration of your lease? It]s possible that someone who moved out of the apartment and left their roommate and furniture behind may want to collect it at a later date.